DIY Natural Cleansers

Posted by Cindy Cunningham on

The leaves are turning colors and the days are getting shorter. It's time for a good Fall cleaning. If you are on the path to creating a toxin free home there are several options for homemade cleansers that utilize essential oils and natural, effective ingredients. Making your own cleansers gives quality control and the ability to choose our own scents.



What you will need:
1 cup baking soda
1 cup borax
1 cup table salt

Combine ingredients in mason jar. Poke holes on the lid. 
Sprinkle on area to be cleaned, scrub  with a wet sponge, and rinse. If you need to degrease substitute the borax for washing soda. If you need to whiten or brighten add a little peroxide to your wet sponge. 



What you will need:
1/2 cup baking soda 
1 cup vinegar 


Mix ingredients and pour them into the drain. Allow to sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with boiling water. You may have to repeat multiple times or allow the cleaner to sit overnight before rinsing.



What you will need: 

1 tsp baking soda
1/2 teaspoon liquid black soap
2 tbsp Vinegar 
A few drops of essential oil (I recommend lemon or lavender)

Add mixture to a spray bottle. Shake well and let it settle. Fill the rest of the spray bottle with warm water and shake well to mix. Let it rest for a few minutes before Give it a few more minutes to calm down, and add a few drops of essential oil if desired.



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