Rice Water Benefits for Beautiful Skin and Hair

Posted by Cindy Cunningham on

Have you heard of rice water? It's the latest beauty craze that has been touted as natural remedies that can help you achieve clear, healthy skin and shiny hair. This unique fluid has antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are great for your skin and hair. From moisturizing properties to natural exfoliation. And while the benefits of these products might not be scientifically proven to work all the time, they’re definitely worth trying out if you’re looking to improve your skin and hair without having to spend an arm and a leg on pricey beauty products.

What is Rice Water?

Rice water is the water left over after cooking or rinsing rice or brown rice. It's a staple of many Asian cultures, especially Japan and Korea. Rice water has long been used in traditional folk medicine as a treatment for various skin ailments such as acne, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, dry skin and wrinkles. In addition to its use on your face, you can also add it to your hair care routine to nourish damaged strands. 

Why is it good for your hair and skin?

Rice water is full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and enzymes. It’s gentle enough to use as a face wash or hair rinse, making it an effective part of any skincare routine. Rice water has hydrating properties which help soften skin cells; it also contains silica which can help strengthen hair follicles and give your strands a healthy shine. Not only does rice water leave you with soft skin and shiny hair, but using it regularly can actually improve both over time.

How do I make it?

To make rice water, place a tablespoon of organic white or brown rice in a cup with 1-2 cups of water. Soak overnight, strain, then rinse your face with it to brighten your complexion. Rice water is also great as a hair rinse—just pour over dry hair and let it sit while you shower. Rinse thoroughly before shampooing.

How do I use it?

Rice water can be used as a natural cleanser to remove makeup, dirt, impurities, or whatever else is on your face. It’s also great as a soothing toner. If you have dry skin or suffer from rosacea, then you should definitely consider adding rice water to your skin-care routine. My favorite way to use it is in a rinse after washing my face. I just add about two tablespoons of organic brown rice water and two tablespoons of green tea to a spray bottle filled with warm distilled water. I shake vigorously before spritzing my face three times and patting dry with a towel. The rinse helps hydrate my skin and stops the flaking and peeling i experience throughout the winter. As an added bonus, I think it even brightens my complexion!

DIY skincare recipes using Rice Water

Mix together 1 tablespoon of rice water with 1 teaspoon of olive oil to make a soothing eye cream. The rice water will help reduce puffiness, while also moisturizing dry skin. Rice water can also be used as a mask. Just add 2 tablespoons of rice water with 2 tablespoons each of honey and yogurt to make a hydrating exfoliating treatment that promotes clear skin.

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