Fra Fra's Naturals | Premium EXTREME Healing Acne Blends

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Shea butter is an excellent moisturizer for acne prone skin for several reasons but the most important of which is that it's non-comedogenic. Shea butter scores a big fat zero on the comedogenic scale.

The definition of comedogenic is as follows: (especially of a cosmetic or skin-care product) tending to clog pores and encourage the formation of blackheads.

A rating of zero means that Shea butter doesn't interfere with skin pores unlike cocoa butter and coconut oil. Another reason Shea butter is fantastic for acne prone skin is that it antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Daily use of Shea butter to moisturize acne plagued skin will reduce the redness and swelling as well as aid in killing the acne bacteria.

African black soap is a powerhouse when combating acne. It contains nutrients and fatty acids that works to balance the skin’s pH levels and calm inflamed and irritated skin. It is also naturally rich in beta carotene, oleic acid and linoleic acid. These powerful fatty acids are what gives African Black Soap it’s anti-inflammatory properties. The Lauric Acid is responsible for its antimicrobial properties which targets and kills the acne causing bacteria. Essentially African Black soap is the acne Terminator! 

This blend utilizes the therapeutic power of Grapefruit, Lavender and Patchouli essential oils. Each combination of essential oils is specially formulated to reduce sebum production, target and kill acne causing bacteria, and encourage the growth of healthy skin cells. 

Like all of our whipped Shea butter products this creamy supple body butter is packed with vitamins and skin nourishing minerals that will balance and calm troubled skin leaving you soft and refreshed. If you acne prone skin this is the Shea butter for you. Like wise, this African Black Soap blend will treat you to a rejuvenating bathing experience while gently exfoliating and deep cleaning pores that will leave you clean and refreshed.

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