Skincare Blog

Mother's Day Photo Contest - Enter and win!

Posted by Cindy Cunningham on

Mother's Day Photo Contest - Enter and win!

Mother’s Day is only a few days away, so join us in celebrating your Mom with our special competition to win your Mother a free Fra Fra’s Naturals kit! The kit consist of a full sized Shea Butter, full sized African Black soap and a bath and shower sponge. Choose between the following scents - Unscented, Mint, Lavender and Baby Powder. Entry is simple  Like our Facebook page  Upload a picture of you and your mom with a comment telling us why your Mom is the best in the world. Include your desired scent. Choose between Unscented, Mint, Lavender or...

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What the heck is Black Soap and why should I care?

Posted by Cindy Cunningham on

What the heck is Black Soap and why should I care?
Black soap is an all natural soap with many, many, many benefits. Learn how black soap is made, why it is soooo good for you skin and how to tell whether or not your black soap is authentic black soap.

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